Here is a side-by-side comparison of the bakeries’ different types of Girl Scout Cookies, how the flavors differ, and a list of which states get which varieties. In 2017, the Los Angeles Times published a great interactive map of the cookie differences by region. It’s not just Samoas, either - almost every flavor of Girl Scout Cookie has a bizarro doppelganger from the other bakery, and which cookies you are familiar with appears to be based entirely on where you live, as the local Girl Scouts get to decide which bakers’ cookies they will be selling.

Basically, you’ve spent your whole life in the Samoas squad, not even realizing that millions of other Girl Scout cookie enthusiasts were chowing down on Caramel deLites. So what does that mean for you? First, the Girl Scout cookie flavors you’ve grown up knowing and loving aren’t the only ones. That’s because Girl Scout cookies are actually made by two different bakeries, ABC Bakers and Little Brownie Bakers (LBB), which have their own cookie recipes, cookie flavor names, and even cookie box design. Yes, your beloved Thin Mints are not the same nationwide. Whether you’re a proud member of Team Tagalong or the Samoa Squad, there’s something you should know: the types of Girl Scout Cookies you enjoy, and their names, are not the same from state to state. The Caramel deLite, for example, generally contains slightly more caramel, more uniform chocolate, a hexagon shape, more sugar, and is noticeably smaller in size. Chances are you have hard opinions on your favorite. It’s a magical, delicious time of year, one where you can stuff Samoas and Tagalongs and all types of Girl Scout Cookie flavors into your maw for the good of a great organization.
Girl Scout Cookie season has blessedly hit full speed.