Granuloma annulare usually disappears spontaneously within several months of appearing (though it can take years).

Most children with granuloma annulare are healthy and don’t go on to develop diabetes or thyroid problems, but these do occur more commonly in people who form these rings than in those who don’t, especially if the rash is widespread. It may, however, be related somehow to diabetes and thyroid disease. I believe it is probably a slow hypersensitivity reaction that some individuals develop to different types of minor trauma. It is not an infection and is not contagious. No one knows for certain what causes granuloma annulare. The rings vary in size from about 1/4 inch to 2 inches in diameter. The bumps may be red at the beginning, but this disappears as the ring forms. It may occur on any part of the body (though most commonly on the sides or backs of the hands or feet) and is most often localized to one area.
Thyme out for ringworm skin#
Granuloma annulare is a common skin condition with raised, flesh-colored bumps that appear in a ring. Many other skin conditions look similar enough to ringworm (ringworm look-alikes) for the diagnosis to be commonly confused. If the condition does not go away with 4 weeks of treatment, then it was probably not ringworm in the first place.

Treat it for at least one week following the clearing of the rash to make sure that all of the fungus is gone. When ringworm is treated with an appropriate antifungal medication, such as Lotrimin, improvement is usually seen within 7 to 10 days.